DIY Avocado Hair Mask for the Winter Recipe for very dry and fragile hair


    November 16, 2017

    Grace Santana


     Growing up hair masks were a part of our weekly routine. One could say that my mother had an obsession with hair.  Whatever was in the kitchen that week was definitely going on our hair,  Brazilians are huge on DIY. Avocado masks is an effective way to have beautiful, shiny, soft and healthy hair.  

     Avocados help rejuvenate and moisturize the scalp and hair.  It's also a rich source of proteins, amino acids, and vitamins.  It helps promote long, strong, healthy hair growth. In this hair mask recipe, I'm combining the power of avocado with the conditioning and growth stimulation of Pracaxi oil and Castor Oil.

    Pracaxi oil contains the highest level of behenic acid which protects hair from damage and lignoceric acid which locks water inside the hair. It's the most well-balanced oil containing 50% oleic acid in omega 9 group.


    Castor Oil carries ricinoleic acid and omega- 6 essential fatty acids, which accelerate blood circulation to the scalp to increase hair growth.




    -Half of the Avocado

    -3 spoons of Pracaxi Oil

    -3 spoons of Castor Oil

    -6 spoons of water (add more if needed to reach the above consistency)

    How to Prepare:

    Cut the avocado in half and remove the pulp.  Place all the ingredients in a blender or food processor.  Blend it until the mixture is uniformed. Place in a container that contains a lid.

    How to Apply:

    Section out your hair into 2 to 4 parts and secure it with clips, then apply the mixture to each section. Smooth the mixture through dry hair section by section, and repeat until your entire head is covered. Gently work it into the hair. Once you've applied the mixture place a plastic shower cap on your hair to create moderate heat.  Wait 15 to 30 minutes, then hop into the shower and rinse off with warm water before shampooing. Then shampoo and condition as usual.


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