Scalp psoriasis is a nightmare: Tips to get some relief

    Scalp psoriasis is a nightmare: Tips to get some relief

    About a year ago I had my first scalp psoriasis flare up.  Initially I thought it was residue from Got 2B Glue.  I had styled my hair with a wig and my styler used Got 2B Glue. I would remove the plaque which was mostly located on the back of my head the next day it was back. I just thought that maybe I missed that spot.  Soon it began to pop up in spots I was certain that I had removed it before. That’s when I became concerned, so I went to a dermatologist. That’s when she said it “you have scalp plaque psoriasis”.  Ugh! I was not happy.  According to the National Psoriasis foundation, about 45% to 56 % of people that have this skin condition develop it on their scalp.  Psoriasis can vary from being mild with a thin layer to very severe plaque that covers the entire head.  My problem started in an isolated area and soon spread to the entire head.  My doctor prescribed me a scalp cream and instructed me to use shampoos that contains salicylic acid.  Another fear crept into my head “umm but us curlies can’t use harsh shampoos”.  So, what is one to do. The scales were so thick, itchy and painful.  At night the scales would tighten up and I just couldn’t sleep. I would scratch, wash my scalp to get some relief.  I just couldn’t ignore it, I had to be more proactive and diligent with my scalp care. Once a week scalp massage wouldn’t cut it.  The pic attached to this blog is me at the airport trying to take a nice pic, it shows how flaky my scalp gets when I don’t tend to it.  I was so into planning my trip to Brazil that I neglected to take care of my scalp.  Boy did I pay for being careless.  Let me share some of the steps and products that I use to get some relief.


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